Want to Submit?

A Writer’s Guide for Submitting to One Blue Wall

  1. Submit all pieces to onebluewall@hotmail.com
  2. Include your name, grade, piece name, and type of piece both on the document you submit & in the file name.

For example: Matthew McCardwell (12), Fall Leaves, A Poem

  1. In your email or document, include your email and phone number.
  2. Please do not submit pieces anonymously. We will publish them as “Anonymous,” if requested. However, we need contact information for copy editing purposes.
  3. Submit your piece in a legible font (Helvetica and Times New Roman are good ones).
  4. Please revise all pieces before submitting. Try to correct all grammar or spelling mistakes.
  5. Do not submit your piece on the email itself. Send it in an attached Word Document (.doc, .dox, .txt).
  6. ***NOTICE*** Your piece may be edited. We will use the contact information you supplied to go over any copy editing issues.

An Artist’s Guide for Submitting to One Blue Wall

  1. Submit all pieces to onebluewall@hotmail.com
  2. Include your name, grade, piece name and media used in the jpeg title.
    1. For Example: Marilyn Holmes (12), Self Portrait in Blue, Oil on Canvas
     3.   In your email or document, include your email and phone number.
     4.    Please do not submit pieces anonymously. We will publish them as “Anonymous,” if           requested.
     5.   Submit all works as an attachment jpeg file.
     6.    Please don’t submit blurry JPEGS.
     7.    If you would like a professional picture taken of your piece, please send us an email request and we can set up a time.


the Staff of One Blue Wall